So Great to Meet Dr. Mae Jemison by B. Woodard

Recently, I got a chance to meet and talk with Dr. Mae Jemison, 1st woman of color in space, about her journey & her new book FIND WHERE THE WIND GOES. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been excited about space—and later science in general—and Drs. Mae Jemison and Marie Curie became two of my favorite scientists to read about. So when I was asked to name people I wanted to interview, my answers included Dr. Jemison for sure!! And she’s more amazing than I even imagined! We talked about her inspiring journey, the joy of learning, our connections, inclusion, and self-worth...and we laughed! Looking forward to sharing more soon via @timeforkids. Thanks to Dr. Jemison and @time @timeforkids for this time. ❤️-Bellen

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