More than Peach Crayons at Work! by B. Woodard
It was surprising to learn that kids can begin showing racial bias as early as 3 but that means it’s definitely important that these positive conversations happen at home loved seeing & reading this! Thanks for sharing @peaceloveapples !❤️-Bellen
Repost from @peaceloveapples
It starts at home 🖤🤎🤍
Did some coloring with my girl today using Bellen's @morethanpeachproject crayons.
We talked about the different shades of peach and brown that we were using. We found crayons to match our skin and the skin color of Doc McStuffins on the shirt she was wearing today. The reaction from her was "oooooh look at all the browns!!" 🤎
Today is a great day to support Black-owned businesses. If you haven't seen these crayons before, please go visit Bellen's page and check them out.
Coloring page from @fromthepond